Reputation! Reputation! Reputation!

I have lost my reputation! Good […]
Still haven’t ordered you 2019 Subscription Yet?

There’s still time to lock in savings before the New Year! With two World-Premiere original productions, one World-Premiere of a new script adaptation and an evening with one of America’s greatest living folk artists, we’ve packed a lot of experiences into our 2019 Season. Our fifth season is our biggest and best ever as […]
And the curtain falls on our 2018 Season-Thanks for the Memories…

As the 2018 Season, built around the theme of Faith draws to a close, we’d like to say thanks to everyone who made this season possible. To our talented casts […]
Hear John Contini and Erick Lindsey Live on KHMO this morning at 8:25

The Sunset Limited Opens in Preview next Thursday, February 15th Catch John Contini and Erick Lindsey this morning on Talk Radio 1070 KHMO as they discuss their upcoming production of The Sunset Limited with Harold Smith. Written by Cormac McCarthy, one of America’s greatest living novelists, The Sunset Limited is an intriguing and often funny […]
The Sunset Limited begins on February 15th but there’s still time to subscribe!

The questioner wants to know the truth- the doubter wants to be told there ain’t no such thing… Bluff City Theater kicks off its fourth season with Cormac McCarthy’s intelligent and funny exploration of faith, The Sunset Limited. Bluff City Theater veteran actor John Contini returns as “White” a university professor and atheist who decides […]
Still time to vote for Bluff City Theater-and to subscribe!

Bluff City Theater lands 21 nominations in the 2017 Broadway World St. Louis Theater Awards Nominations include Best Drama, Best Musical and Best Theater Company After just three seasons, Bluff City Theater is already making its mark in the theater community. 2017 was our most successful to date, thanks in part to a strong lineup […]
Our Pre-season Subscription Offer is Held Over!

Buy all 5 regular season shows for just $99! That’s right-our super low pre-season subscription rate of just $99 is being held for the first 200 subscribers. We’re getting close, so subscribe now if you want to be sure to lock in savings of $31 off full price. That’s like getting one show for free […]
Looking for something to do with visitors this summer?

You Caught Me Dancing is the perfect choice! You Caught Me Dancing, the heart-warming story of a lifetime spent alongside Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and his family opens in preview on Thursday, June 2nd. For 30 years, Katy Leary served and travelled with the family, sharing the triumphs and tragedies of America’s First Family of Letters. […]
Looking for Something To With Your Out-of-Town Guests This Weekend?

Special Matinee Performance of The Heiress Saturday July 4th at 2 p.m. Bluff City Theater presents a special matinee performance of our spectacular new play, The Heiress, this Saturday at 2 p.m., getting you out in plenty of time to enjoy all of the National Tom Sawyer Days festivities! Featuring stellar performances from John Contini, […]