Welcome Back to the Raft, Tom and Huck!

At the end of his classic novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain wrote: So endeth this chronicle. It being strictly a history of a BOY, it must stop here; the story could not go much further without becoming the history of a MAN. When one writes a novel about grown people, he […]
For Fans of Paris, C’est La Vie is an engaging evening of music and laughter!

Bluff City Theater transforms into a Parisian Cabaret for this performance Dominique and Fatiguee are two aging songstresses stuck in a dad end job at Chez Laplee. They long to break free but their boss makes them sing tired covers of Edith Piaf every night. Then, one night, their chance comes as the boss is […]
Looking for something to do with visitors this summer?

You Caught Me Dancing is the perfect choice! You Caught Me Dancing, the heart-warming story of a lifetime spent alongside Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and his family opens in preview on Thursday, June 2nd. For 30 years, Katy Leary served and travelled with the family, sharing the triumphs and tragedies of America’s First Family of Letters. […]
Award-Winning St. Louis Director Brings Award-Winning Play to Bluff City Theater

John Contini will direct Win Wells’ award-winning play Gertrude Stein and a Companion at Bluff City Theater from March 18th-26th, 2016. Gertrude Stein and a Companion won Best Play when it debuted at the Edinburgh Festival and went on to win numerous awards before being made into a TV movie in 1989. Recently nominated as Outstanding […]
Opening Night 2016 is Just Two Weeks Away!

The Lady With All The Answers kicks off a 2016 Season of Great Theater! Bluff City Theater has quickly gained a reputation for presenting interesting and innovative works in its intimate space at 212 Broadway in Historic Downtown Hannibal. And 2016 is no exception! Five plays built around the theme of strong female characters will […]
Here’s Our New Video Commercial!

Bluff City Theater is proud to open our new season with this heartwarming and funny biopic based on the life and letters of one of America’s cultural icons, Ann Landers. Tricia Bart brings to life the lady who graced the pages of a thousand newspapers around the world for more than 50 years. Bluff City […]
Husband and Wife Reunite in The Lady With All The Answers

Reprinted from Hannibal Magazine 2016 Familiar Husband and Wife Team Together Again in Bluff City Theater’s Season Opener Theater-goers in the Hannibal/Quincy area are going to find a couple of familiar faces to lead off the BCT 2016 Season in David Rambo’s witty homage to advice columnist Ann Landers. What audiences may not know is that […]
Press Release: Darrell Dennis to Reprise Classic Role in Tales of an Urban Indian
http://mckenzienewsservice.com/news/Bluff-City-Theater/Darrell-Dennis.htm Bluff City Theater Announces Darrell Dennis to Reprise Classic Role in Tales of an Urban Indian, Hannibal, MO Darrell Dennis’ Tales of an Urban Indian, promises to move audiences both figuratively and literally because it will be performed entirely on a moving transit bus as it travels through the streets of the city. http://www.mckenzienewsservice.com/news/Bluff-City-Theater/350%20Tales%20of%20an%20Urban%20Indian.jpg […]