Beat The January Blues-Ed Asner Brings His Comedy to Hannibal!

Saturday January 13th One Show Only at Hannibal High School 7:30 p.m. Tickets $25, $30, $40 and $45 Good seats still available in all price ranges. Audiences are raving about this show from coast-to-coast and you can find out why for yourself when you become part of the audience for this very special presentation by […]
Our Pre-season Subscription Offer is Held Over!

Buy all 5 regular season shows for just $99! That’s right-our super low pre-season subscription rate of just $99 is being held for the first 200 subscribers. We’re getting close, so subscribe now if you want to be sure to lock in savings of $31 off full price. That’s like getting one show for free […]
Laugh along with one of the funniest men in television!

Bluff City Theater Presents Ed Asner in A Man and His Prostate One Day Only- Saturday January 13th, 2018 7:30 p.m. Ed Asner has a long and storied career on television and on film with 20 Emmy nominations and 7 wins. Best known for his portrayal of Lou Grant, he is the only person […]
Lock in Savings for the 2018 Season Now!

Wars, terrorism, hurricanes, mass shootings, overt racism, violent demonstrations, earthquakes… Throughout time, mankind has endured a seemingly endless run of tragedy and turmoil. Who could blame us if we simply gave up? Yet, we don’t. Somehow, through it all we endure, believing in something-that it will get better, that life is worth living, that there […]
BCT Academy Classes Begin September 30th. Register Today!

Have you ever dreamed of being on stage? Do you want to learn how to be a better performer? Do you want to boost your confidence in front of people? These are just a few of the reasons BCT Academy give for becoming part of Hannibal’s only professional theater training program. Fall classes start on […]

New Performance Added-Saturday. July 8th 2:00 p.m. Emily is a bona-fide hit and we have added an additional matinee to meet response. If you haven’t made your reservations yet for the five remaining performances, DO IT TODAY! After four performances and four standing ovations, audiences are raving about this show. Janine Norman and Kyle Klein […]
Check Out The American Premiere of Emily-The Musical June 29th-July 8th

Welcome Back to the Raft, Tom and Huck!

At the end of his classic novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain wrote: So endeth this chronicle. It being strictly a history of a BOY, it must stop here; the story could not go much further without becoming the history of a MAN. When one writes a novel about grown people, he […]
Are you subscribed yet Hannibal?

Time is running out to take advantage of our Early-Bird price- just $99 for all five productions in the 2017 Season. Matt Salzberg makes his directing debut this February with Having Our Say-The Delany Sisters’ First Hundred Years, an uplifting and inspirational story of two African-American sisters who quietly broke down racial and gender barriers […]
Looking for something to do with visitors this summer?

You Caught Me Dancing is the perfect choice! You Caught Me Dancing, the heart-warming story of a lifetime spent alongside Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and his family opens in preview on Thursday, June 2nd. For 30 years, Katy Leary served and travelled with the family, sharing the triumphs and tragedies of America’s First Family of Letters. […]