And the curtain falls on our 2018 Season-Thanks for the Memories…

As the 2018 Season, built around the theme of Faith draws to a close, we’d like to say thanks to everyone who made this season possible. To our talented casts […]
Trees Die Standing Tall Opens This Week!

Alejandro Casona’s long and storied career as one of Spain’s great literary personalities in the 20th century may have made him a household name in both his native country and his adopted country of Argentina, but he is a relative unknown in the English-speaking world. That’s why we’re so excited to bring this American premiere […]
Who is Asher Lev? An Exclusive Interview with Drew Pannebecker

An Exclusive Interview with the Star of My Name is Asher Lev: Drew Pannebecker Last weekend, My Name is Asher Lev opened here at Bluff City Theater. Audience members have been leaving night after night with nothing but wonderful things to say. I sat down with the star of the production, Drew Pannebecker, to talk about […]

Dinner & A Show Facebook Giveaway Are you in desperate need of a night out? Well, we have just the fix for that! How about a night out in Downtown Hannibal. We are donating two tickets to any of our professionally run shows in the 2018 season and LaBinnah Bistro is donating a $50 gift […]
My Name is Asher Lev: An Exclusive Look into rehearsal!

An Exclusive Interview with My Name is Asher Lev’s Director: Sydnie Grosberg Ronga By Camden Scifres, Summer Intern As My Name is Asher Lev draws closer to opening, the more excited I am. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a rehearsal run of the show the other day and in that rehearsal I […]
Auditions this weekend! It’s not too late to sign up!
Audition Notice: Non-Professional Featured & Ensemble Roles in Cotton Patch Gospel and Trees Die Standing Tall at Bluff City Theater Bluff City Theater will be presenting two shows this summer, Trees Die Standing Tall and Cotton Patch Gospel. These are Equity professional productions and all starring roles have been cast. We are seeking talented individuals […]
Auditions at Bluff City Theater this weekend! Don’t miss your chance!

Audition Notice: Non-Professional Featured & Ensemble Roles in Cotton Patch Gospel and Trees Die Standing Tall at Bluff City Theater Bluff City Theater will be presenting two shows this summer, Trees Die Standing Tall and Cotton Patch Gospel. These are Equity professional productions and all starring roles have been cast. We are seeking talented individuals […]
Mardra and Reggie Thomas to headline our Speakeasy Soiree!

SEE A CLIP OF THEM HERE! z+singer&&view=detail&mid=D55CBD969299902AB1E2D55CBD969299902AB1E2&&FORM=VRDGARhttq=mardra+thomas+jaz Recording artists and jazz stage headliners Mardra and Reggie Thomas will be bringing their intimate and inspiring tribute to jazz legend Billie Holiday to Hannibal as part of our 2018 Fundraising Gala. If you’ve attended our fundraisers in the past, you’ll know that what a great experience […]
Hear John Contini and Erick Lindsey Live on KHMO this morning at 8:25

The Sunset Limited Opens in Preview next Thursday, February 15th Catch John Contini and Erick Lindsey this morning on Talk Radio 1070 KHMO as they discuss their upcoming production of The Sunset Limited with Harold Smith. Written by Cormac McCarthy, one of America’s greatest living novelists, The Sunset Limited is an intriguing and often funny […]
The Sunset Limited begins on February 15th but there’s still time to subscribe!

The questioner wants to know the truth- the doubter wants to be told there ain’t no such thing… Bluff City Theater kicks off its fourth season with Cormac McCarthy’s intelligent and funny exploration of faith, The Sunset Limited. Bluff City Theater veteran actor John Contini returns as “White” a university professor and atheist who decides […]