YETI (Youth Education in Theater Initiative) is an innovative program to give young people broad hands-on experience in all aspects of theater from producing to performing.

If you know a youth between the ages of 13 and 19 interested in learning how theater works, tell them about YETI.  The 2016 program kicks off in January.  Up to 30 young people may participate each year.  The program includes hands-on instruction on a wide variety of topics such as script-writing, directing, lighting, sound, stage management, producing and of course performing.

Each year, the YETI group picks a project to work on.  Last year, the youth chose to write and perform their own adaptation of the popular novel The Maze Runner (shown here).  This year’s theme is “Things that Matter” and the YETI group will be exploring social issues that are important to them through the lens of theater.

The group will meet approximately once per month through the early part of the year then more frequently as their project develops.  During the summer, YETI participants will have the opportunity to intern with professionals as part of our major Alice in Wonderland production.  In 2016, two field trips are planned to introduce the YETI participants to other theater venues and professionals.

There is no charge to be part of YETI.  Our costs are covered through the generous support of The Riedel Foundation and other local donors and sponsors.  You must, however have a genuine interest in actively participating in the program including maintaining regular attendance and meeting your obligations to fellow YETI team members.

YETI is fun but challenging and will build memories and friendships for a lifetime!

If you or someone you know is interested, complete the online application.  For questions or for more information, email Gale Rublee at


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