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One of the most important things we do here at Bluff City Theater is incubate local talent with the aim of creating a lasting theater culture in the Greater Hannibal Region.
Theater arts enriche the quality of life for our residents young and old and BCT Academy is one way that youth gain first-hand experience and performance skills.
Theater arts build confidence in young people and helps them find a creative outlet whether it’s acting or singing, as soloists or part of the chorus.
Theater arts help create bonds of friendship among like-minded young people.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning theater from professional instructors, check out our upcoming Fall sessions at BCT Academy.
September 14th – November 16th
Instructors: Gale Rublee and Laura Frederickson
Classes held at Bluff City Theater Annex, 403 Broadway in Hannibal
$89 for Playing Pretend or Beginning Scene Study (10 wk one hour classes)
$159 forAdvanced Scene Study and Singing for the Stage (10 wk 2 hour classes)
Financial assistance available in exchange for volunteer service.
Playing Pretend ~ Intro to Theater
Ages 7-11
Saturdays 9:30-10:30am
Advanced Scene Study and Singing for the Stage
Ages 12-17
Saturdays 10:30am-12:30pm
Prerequisite: Previous theater classes, performing experience, or permission from instructor.
Beginning Scene Study
Ages 9-13
Saturdays 1:00-2:00pm
Prerequisite: Previous theater classes, performing experience, or permission from instructor.
Adult Theater Improv
(free group practice ~ no experience necessary)
Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm
To Register: Email or call 573-719-3226
BCT Academy is generoulsy supported by The Samantha Otte Fund, US Bank and Kiwanis AM Hannibal.