
Thursday, November 17th 6:00 p.m.
To be Held at Bluff City Theater
212 Broadway Downtown Hannibal

Come join us for the 2016 Bluff City Theater Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Meeting starts at 6 p.m. sharp to be followed by refreshments and a few presentations.

Then stay for the Bluff City Theater YETI production of

Nothing is The End of The World (Except The End of The World)

A one-act play by Bekah Brunstetter:

In the near-distant future, an NYC charter school becomes the first to welcome artificially intelligent students. However, new AI students Olive and Godfrey receive a chilly welcome from the already self-conscious and stressed-out members of the Junior class. When a reality show swoops in to capture this social experiment on camera, the priorities and moralities of the student body are turned inside-out. At turns both droll and touching, this dark new play questions how we reconcile the thin line between our ever-improving technologies and what it means to be human.

YETI (Youth Education in Theater Initiative) is an innovative program for teens that builds confidence and self-esteem through a youth-directed theater experience.  Under the mentorship of theater professionals, YETI teens choose, cast, block, direct, perform and promote their own productions.

Annual Meeting begins at 6 p.m.

Play begins at 7:30 p.m.

All interested Bluff City Theater supporters are welcome to attend.

Please RSVP info@bluffcitytheater to let us know you are coming.

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