Click here to see Allyson Brown’s interview with Darrell Dennis on the KHQA Morning Show
Darrell Dennis and Joe Anderson braved the early morning Monday to appear with Allyson Brown on KHQA’s morning show from 5-7 a.m. Fueled with copious amounts of coffee, Darrell talked about the show, his characters and motivation for writing Tales of an Urban Indian and performed two scenes from the show during six “cut-ins”.
Shot in the theater, at 212 Broadway in downtown Hannibal and on the bus, viewers were able to see just how talented Darrell Dennis is as he creates over 40 character in his 90-minute one-man-show.
Tales of an Urban Indian is unlike anything people in the area have seen. The show is staged on a moving transit bus as it travels around Hannibal. It’s a clever, adult-themed story about one man’s search for identity when caught between two worlds- the reservation and the big city. During the interview, Dennis reveals that the play is in part autobiographical and chronicles his own experiences as a Native North American trying to make it in a white man’s world.
Tales of an Urban Indian runs Wednesday through Sunday until August 10th.