Today is Monday March 25th…You Have Four Chances Left!

Last week, the curtain rose on another season at Bluff City Theater with our debut of A. S. Freeman’s powerful production of David Stanley Ford’s The Interrogation of Nathan Hale. History has a way of over-simplifying events and presenting complicated and messy affairs as summary headlines (#Nathanhalehero). But history is never simple and the […]

With 27 albums and 3 Grammys in a career that spans five decades, Tom Chapin may be the most successful children’s entertainer in America today! Families love his brand of smart, catchy and relevant songs about things that matter to kids. His music is described as “kid-friendly and adult safe” so everyone, no matter […]
Who is Asher Lev? An Exclusive Interview with Drew Pannebecker

An Exclusive Interview with the Star of My Name is Asher Lev: Drew Pannebecker Last weekend, My Name is Asher Lev opened here at Bluff City Theater. Audience members have been leaving night after night with nothing but wonderful things to say. I sat down with the star of the production, Drew Pannebecker, to talk about […]

Dinner & A Show Facebook Giveaway Are you in desperate need of a night out? Well, we have just the fix for that! How about a night out in Downtown Hannibal. We are donating two tickets to any of our professionally run shows in the 2018 season and LaBinnah Bistro is donating a $50 gift […]
Are you subscribed yet Hannibal?

Time is running out to take advantage of our Early-Bird price- just $99 for all five productions in the 2017 Season. Matt Salzberg makes his directing debut this February with Having Our Say-The Delany Sisters’ First Hundred Years, an uplifting and inspirational story of two African-American sisters who quietly broke down racial and gender barriers […]