My Name is Asher Lev: An Exclusive Look into rehearsal!

An Exclusive Interview with My Name is Asher Lev’s Director: Sydnie Grosberg Ronga By Camden Scifres, Summer Intern As My Name is Asher Lev draws closer to opening, the more excited I am. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a rehearsal run of the show the other day and in that rehearsal I […]
Mardra and Reggie Thomas to headline our Speakeasy Soiree!

SEE A CLIP OF THEM HERE! z+singer&&view=detail&mid=D55CBD969299902AB1E2D55CBD969299902AB1E2&&FORM=VRDGARhttq=mardra+thomas+jaz Recording artists and jazz stage headliners Mardra and Reggie Thomas will be bringing their intimate and inspiring tribute to jazz legend Billie Holiday to Hannibal as part of our 2018 Fundraising Gala. If you’ve attended our fundraisers in the past, you’ll know that what a great experience […]
The Sunset Limited begins on February 15th but there’s still time to subscribe!

The questioner wants to know the truth- the doubter wants to be told there ain’t no such thing… Bluff City Theater kicks off its fourth season with Cormac McCarthy’s intelligent and funny exploration of faith, The Sunset Limited. Bluff City Theater veteran actor John Contini returns as “White” a university professor and atheist who decides […]
Beat The January Blues-Ed Asner Brings His Comedy to Hannibal!

Saturday January 13th One Show Only at Hannibal High School 7:30 p.m. Tickets $25, $30, $40 and $45 Good seats still available in all price ranges. Audiences are raving about this show from coast-to-coast and you can find out why for yourself when you become part of the audience for this very special presentation by […]
Lock in Savings for the 2018 Season Now!

Wars, terrorism, hurricanes, mass shootings, overt racism, violent demonstrations, earthquakes… Throughout time, mankind has endured a seemingly endless run of tragedy and turmoil. Who could blame us if we simply gave up? Yet, we don’t. Somehow, through it all we endure, believing in something-that it will get better, that life is worth living, that there […]

New Performance Added-Saturday. July 8th 2:00 p.m. Emily is a bona-fide hit and we have added an additional matinee to meet response. If you haven’t made your reservations yet for the five remaining performances, DO IT TODAY! After four performances and four standing ovations, audiences are raving about this show. Janine Norman and Kyle Klein […]
For Fans of Paris, C’est La Vie is an engaging evening of music and laughter!

Bluff City Theater transforms into a Parisian Cabaret for this performance Dominique and Fatiguee are two aging songstresses stuck in a dad end job at Chez Laplee. They long to break free but their boss makes them sing tired covers of Edith Piaf every night. Then, one night, their chance comes as the boss is […]
Here’s Our New Video Commercial!

Bluff City Theater is proud to open our new season with this heartwarming and funny biopic based on the life and letters of one of America’s cultural icons, Ann Landers. Tricia Bart brings to life the lady who graced the pages of a thousand newspapers around the world for more than 50 years. Bluff City […]

Meet the Lady with 60 Million Readers! For 56 years, Ann Landers dispensed wit and wisdom to readers all over the world. A confidante of presidents and popes and the author of nine best-selling books, Esther (Eppie) Lederer was arguably one of the most influential people on the planet. Yet, faced with a crisis in […]