Dinner & A Show Facebook Giveaway Are you in desperate need of a night out? Well, we have just the fix for that! How about a night out in Downtown Hannibal. We are donating two tickets to any of our professionally run shows in the 2018 season and LaBinnah Bistro is donating a $50 gift […]
My Name is Asher Lev: An Exclusive Look into rehearsal!

An Exclusive Interview with My Name is Asher Lev’s Director: Sydnie Grosberg Ronga By Camden Scifres, Summer Intern As My Name is Asher Lev draws closer to opening, the more excited I am. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a rehearsal run of the show the other day and in that rehearsal I […]
A Man and His Prostate Tickets Make a Great Gift!

Surprise someone on your list with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet Ed Asner up close and personal! Seven-time Emmy winner Ed Asner is bringing his one-man comedic play reading to Hannibal and you or your loved ones can be part of the audience. Tickets are selling fast but good seats are still available. Tell us […]
Did you know you can rent our theater?

Bluff City Theater would like you to know that our initmate 90-seat theater auditorium is available for community rental. We’re located in a historic 1911 former bank building in downtown Hannibal, MO. With our neo-classical facade and many originial features preserved, Bluff City Theater offers a memorable place for your special event. There is ample […]