Today is Monday March 25th…You Have Four Chances Left!

Last week, the curtain rose on another season at Bluff City Theater with our debut of A. S. Freeman’s powerful production of David Stanley Ford’s The Interrogation of Nathan Hale. History has a way of over-simplifying events and presenting complicated and messy affairs as summary headlines (#Nathanhalehero). But history is never simple and the […]
For Fans of Paris, C’est La Vie is an engaging evening of music and laughter!

Bluff City Theater transforms into a Parisian Cabaret for this performance Dominique and Fatiguee are two aging songstresses stuck in a dad end job at Chez Laplee. They long to break free but their boss makes them sing tired covers of Edith Piaf every night. Then, one night, their chance comes as the boss is […]