Fall BCT Academy Sessions Begin Soon!

Register Now! One of the most important things we do here at Bluff City Theater is incubate local talent with the aim of creating a lasting theater culture in the Greater Hannibal Region. Theater arts enriche the quality of life for our residents young and old and BCT Academy is one way that youth gain […]
“The music we play on long car rides…”

With over 27 albums and 3 Grammys, no one knows how to communicate with kids better than Tom Chapin. Tom’s music is targeted to kids from 3-13 and delivers a combination of catchy tunes, clever lyrics and lots of action. The kids in your life are going to have an experience they will never […]
Listen to Mary Griffith’s Interview with Tom Chapin

Tom Chapin was interviewed live on Tuesday by Quincy’s own Mary Griffith on WTAD 930 AM. Listen now to find out more about Tom, his storied history and his upcoming concerts this Saturday, February 9th at HLG University in Hannibal. Tickets are still available for both the Family Concert at 1 p.m. and An […]

With 27 albums and 3 Grammys in a career that spans five decades, Tom Chapin may be the most successful children’s entertainer in America today! Families love his brand of smart, catchy and relevant songs about things that matter to kids. His music is described as “kid-friendly and adult safe” so everyone, no matter […]
There’s still time to subscribe AND get a premium ticket to An Evening With Tom Chapin

Subscribe Now and Save $52! Nathan Hale was just 21 years old when he became the first American to die as a spy. Washington’s forces had been swept off Long Island. Desperately needing intelligence, he sought a volunteer to go behind enemy lines to report on British plans and strength. Within a few hours, Nathan […]
Read the Quincy Herald Whig Interview With Tom Chapin Here…

By Edward Husar Herald-Whig Posted: Jan. 26, 2019 9:55 pm HANNIBAL, Mo. — Tom Chapin, a contemporary folk musician and children’s entertainer with a widely recognized family name, will bring his musical talents to Hannibal for two concerts on Feb. 9. Chapin, 73, is a younger brother of the late Harry Chapin, the internationally known […]
A little bio of Tom Chapin…

In a career that spans five decades, 27 albums and 3 Grammys, Hudson Valley Troubadour Tom Chapin has covered an incredible amount of creative ground. In addition to his work as a recording artist and concert performer, Tom has acted on Broadway and appeared in films, on television and radio. The multi talented singer-songwriter and […]
My Name is Asher Lev: An Exclusive Look into rehearsal!

An Exclusive Interview with My Name is Asher Lev’s Director: Sydnie Grosberg Ronga By Camden Scifres, Summer Intern As My Name is Asher Lev draws closer to opening, the more excited I am. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a rehearsal run of the show the other day and in that rehearsal I […]
Auditions this weekend! It’s not too late to sign up!
Audition Notice: Non-Professional Featured & Ensemble Roles in Cotton Patch Gospel and Trees Die Standing Tall at Bluff City Theater Bluff City Theater will be presenting two shows this summer, Trees Die Standing Tall and Cotton Patch Gospel. These are Equity professional productions and all starring roles have been cast. We are seeking talented individuals […]
Auditions at Bluff City Theater this weekend! Don’t miss your chance!

Audition Notice: Non-Professional Featured & Ensemble Roles in Cotton Patch Gospel and Trees Die Standing Tall at Bluff City Theater Bluff City Theater will be presenting two shows this summer, Trees Die Standing Tall and Cotton Patch Gospel. These are Equity professional productions and all starring roles have been cast. We are seeking talented individuals […]