The questioner wants to know the truth- the doubter wants to be told there ain’t no such thing…

Bluff City Theater kicks off its fourth season with Cormac McCarthy’s intelligent and funny exploration of faith, The Sunset Limited. Bluff City Theater veteran actor John Contini returns as “White” a university professor and atheist who decides to end his life on his birthday by jumping in front of a train. A newcomer to our stage, Erick Lindsey is “Black”, a convicted felon who became an evangelical Christian while in prison and devotes his life to helping others in need. He stops White and, feeling responsible for him, brings him back to his tenement in Harlem where they engage in a spirited discussion about life, death and the existence of God.

This production is directed by Alex Freeman, Artistic Director of Ozark Actors Theatre in Rolla, Missouri in his debut at Bluff City Theater. Cormac McCarthy is one of America’s greatest living authors, with 11 novels, an Academy Award (No Country For Old Men) and a Pulitzer Prize (The Road) to his credit.
Few plays are better-suited to BCT’s intimate setting as audience members will feel like they are sitting in the small New York apartment alongside the characters, listening in.
The Sunset Limited opens in preview in just two weeks, February 15th, with the official opening on Friday, February 16th. You have only 8 opportunities to catch this remarkable experience with performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday through February 24th. As well as evening performances each day at 7:30, we have two Saturday matinees- February 17th and 24th at 2 p.m.