Time is running out to take advantage of our Early-Bird price- just $99 for all five productions in th
e 2017 Season.
Matt Salzberg makes his directing debut this February with Having Our Say-The Delany Sisters’ First Hundred Years, an uplifting and inspirational story of two African-American sisters who quietly broke down racial and gender barriers in their 100+ years of living.
Then, we convert the theater to a seedy Paris nightclub in 1950 for our production of C’est La Vie starring BCT favorites Taylor Pietz and Felicia Dinwiddie as two aging chanteuses caught in a dead-end job.
In June, we feature a powerful duo of veteran St. Louis actors- John Contini and James Anthony appear as Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer in our outdoor environmental production of The Boys in Autumn.
We’re extremely proud to bring you the American premiere of a delightful family musical based on the books of Lucy Maud Montgomery directed by Jennifer Stewart.
And finally, we close the season with one of theater’s signature works- Tennessee Williams the Glass Menagerie.
If bought separately, these shows would cost you $130, but you can subscribe now for just $99. Subscribers don’t have to choose dates now- you can book anytime up to 48 hours beforehand and we guarantee you a seat, Plus, subscribe today and get a free child’s ticket to Emily: The Musical (a $15 value).
Buy online here, or call the box office at 573-719-3226 to order over the phone. Subscriptions make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas or any special occasion.
Bluff City Theater-now entering its third full season of providing professional theater in an intimate setting!