F&M Riedel PresentationThanks to Riedel Foundation!

April Baldwin, Chief Lending Officer for F&M Bank is seen presenting a check to Bluff City Theater Executive Director Joe Anderson.  Riedel Foundation is matching donations to help launch and support the youth initiatives of Bluff City Theater.   Bluff City Theater has an extensive  program aimed at creating opportunities for young people to experience and learn about all aspects of theater from professionals.  In addition to our YETI (Youth Education in Theater Initiative) for youth 13 years of age and older, BCT is casting more than 40 children and youth in this summer’s environmental production of Lionel Bart’s Oliver!  which runs from July9th to August 1st 2015.

Five coaches have begun working with our youth cast on vocal and acting training and choreography.  The training will continue through mid-June when full-cast rehearsals begin.

Bluff City Theater is now halfway to reaching its 2015 goal of raising $13,400 to support youth initiatives.  You can help us reach our goal by making a tax-deductible  donation payable to The Hannibal Arts Council (YETI Fund) or call the theater at 573-719-3226.

For more information on BCT and the YETI program, click here.

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