MAZE RUNNER Postcard FrontFriday November 6 and Saturday November 7-     3 Performances Only!

Bluff City Theater proudly presents our YETI students’ stage reading of The Maze Runner at Bluff City Theater.  YETI (Youth Education in Theater Initiative) is an innovative opportunity for youth 13-19 to learn about theater from the ground up.  This year, our students chose to adapt one of their favorite novels into a script and perform it as a stage-reading.  A stage reading involves all of the elements of a full performance except movement and blocking.  For this project, students worked on characterization and adapting the story, casting, production, directing, set construction, props and costumes.

Generously supported by a grant from The Riedel Foundation and other local donors, YETI is a multi-year progressive program designed to help students and youth develop a grounding in all aspects of theater production, create collaborative and leadership skills and work together with similar-minded youth from across our catchment area including Marion, Ralls, Shelby and Pitt Counties in Missouri and Quincy/Adams County in Illinois.

For more information, see our events calendar.  Tickets are available only at the door.  Admission is by way of a voluntary donation to Bluff City Theater with all proceeds going to support our educational programs.

For more information call the Box Office at 573-719-3226


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