In a presentation held at Bluff City Theater’s Annex building on Tuesday, twelve individuals were recognized for their volunteer activities on behalf of BCT during the 2016 Season.  Board Chairman Todd Ahrens presented certificates to those attending while Volunteer Committee Chair Kim Ahrens thanked them for the countless hours they contributed to important roles such as telephoning subscribers, assisting the box office during performances, organizing youth supervisors, supporting opening night receptions and creating audio and video for performances, advertising and community outreach.

Bluff City Theater is a non-profit professional theater company with an extensive youth and community outreach program.  Our volunteers make it possible to tackle many projects that, otherwise, would be impossible.

Not present for photos but also recognized were Doris Christal, Molly Henderson, Marsha Kenison, Gloria and Skip Kirby. 

Bluff City Theater will be announcing the 2017 Season in just a few days when subscriptions go on sale.  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Kim Ahrens at

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